Two Door Cinema Club – ABGESAGT
TonHalle München
Früher schoben hier die Pfanni Kartoffeln noch eine ruhige Kugel, bevor sie zu Kartoffelknödel oder -püree verarbeitet wurden. Heute zählt die TonHalle München nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hervorragenden Akustik zu einer der beliebtesten Konzert- und Eventhallen Münchens.
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Die geplante EU-Tour von Two Door Cinema Club muss aus gesundheitlichen Gründen leider abgesagt werden. Tickets können an der jeweiligen VVK-Stelle zurückgegeben werden.
I’ve loved every second of playing shows again this summer, especially after such a long time away but the harsh reality is that it’s been really hard on my body. I’ve been experiencing a lot of ups and downs in managing this bastard of a disease and after a lot of long chats with my doctor we’ve decided that the next step is surgery to remove the affected organ after which it should be much more manageable.
I’m scheduled to have the operation in a few weeks so I’m really sorry to have to tell you we’re going to have to cancel our EU tour in September/October. As for shows later this year, as it stands the medical advice I’ve been given is that we’ll have to wait and see how the recovery goes after my operation. We will of course keep you guys updated as to whether the North American tour will proceed, as soon as we know, you’ll know. I know this is far from ideal and we’re so sad we won’t be able to make these EU shows happen, we’ve been so looking forward to seeing you after so long!
I want to say thank you to the amazing NHS for taking such good care of me, thank you to Sam and Alex for their support and understanding but mainly thanks to all of you for being the best fans in the world.
Quelle: Propeller Music & Event GmbH