TonHalle München
Früher schoben hier die Pfanni Kartoffeln noch eine ruhige Kugel, bevor sie zu Kartoffelknödel oder -püree verarbeitet wurden. Heute zählt die TonHalle München nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hervorragenden Akustik zu einer der beliebtesten Konzert- und Eventhallen Münchens.
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Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
MONATIK invites to „ART Oborona“: Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Choose a city and come live to hear MONATIK’s new works from the „ART Oborona“ collection, as well as the legendary hits of the artist, which were sung in unison by the stadiums before the war, which bring us back to the happy times of the past and transport us to the bright world of a peaceful future.
MONATIK has been engaged in active volunteering and educational activities since the very first days of the war in Ukraine. On the European tour, he not only collects funds for the Armed Forces and peaceful citizens of Ukraine, but also tells fans around the world about the terrible tragedies that are happening in our country, shares his own and our common experiences.
„ART Oborona“ is about the power of MONATIK’s music and words, which can heal someone, motivate someone to find faith in victory, to feel that they are not alone with reality. And someone gets a frank reprimand and a call to think. „ART Defense“ is a creative front line. These are new songs from the „ART Oborona“ EP, which sew up the soul.
The European tour will also feature legendary songs, which for millions of people have become the soundtracks of a free life, helpers in making plans and associations with true happiness.
MONATIK’s live shows are always bright, the most professional in terms of music and choreography. However, on February 24, 2022, a full-scale invasion of Russian troops began in Ukraine, and body dances turned into soul dances, and songs also opened new meanings.
So, having gathered his strength and spirit, the artist conducts an extremely difficult, morally important for himself and extremely important for his country, tour in Europe.
Come with your loved ones and bring new friends. „ART Oborona“ will give you strength and give you feelings that we all lack right now.
Quelle: DeFans Konzert Agentur UG