Hermanos Gutiérrez
WERK7 theater
Die Zeiten, in welchen das WERK7 Heimat für Millionen von Kartoffeln war, sind vorbei. Heute findet sich hier neben einem fantastischen Ambiente eine atemberaubende Tribünenkonstruktion wieder, welche die Räumlichkeiten zur perfekten Heimat von Konzert-, Theater- sowie Industrieveranstaltungen macht.
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Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Eight years separate us two brothers Alejandro & Stephan Gutiér-rez. Born to an Ecuadorian mother and Swiss father, it is in ourLatin roots that we, Hermanos Gutiérrez, draw a certain scenery ofemotions. If one of us has a melody and a sound is missing, the othercompletes it. We share an unspoken understanding through which oursouls can connect. And so we find our musical balance, our harmony.
After two albums recorded in Berlin, “8 Años” and “El Camino de miAlma”, we continued our path with two more albums recorded in Zürich,“Hoy como Ayer” and “Hijos del Sol”. Our music is made with love, passionand honesty and it`s through this that we wish to connect with the world.
When we were children, our grandfather, Luis Gutiérrez, used to tellus about his favourite song, “Nuestro Juramento”. This song was sungby an Ecuadorian artist in the 50s, Julio Jaramillos, and featuredRosalino Quintero on the guitar. Our grandfather used to describe thissong to us with so much love and nostalgia, and it was these momentswith him which paved the way for how we listen and play our music to-day. We carry these memories with us in our heart and through our music.
Konzertbüro Schoneberg GmbH