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20% Rabatt beim umadum Riesenrad mit deinem Konzertticket!

TonHalle München

Früher schoben hier die Pfanni Kartoffeln noch eine ruhige Kugel, bevor sie zu Kartoffelknödel oder -püree verarbeitet wurden. Heute zählt die TonHalle München nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hervorragenden Akustik zu einer der beliebtesten Konzert- und Eventhallen Münchens.

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Beginn: 19:00 Uhr

Tickets: 30,00 €

Veranstalter: sonic boom event & artistservice GmbH

WEITER INFOS: Das Konzert wurde auf den 07.12.2020 verlegt, nach wie vor in der TonHalle München.

Message from Ferdinand:
Hey Folks,
Bad news and a bit of good news.
Bad News
I am moving the tour to Nov-Dec 2020. On top of that I am not going to Hannover, Dresden, Ulm, and Wiesbaden. Your tickets stay valid for the cities you bought tickets for (even if the venue in the city has changed). You can also return your ticket for a full refund at the place you bought it.
Why am I moving the tour?
I’m working on two different projects and I need more time to finish them. I thought we could get them done by the tour but we didn’t and I don’t want to give you guys the same set as last time or play a whole bunch of songs you’ve never heard before. This was an especially heartbreaking decision to make because I got so many sweet messages about how you got tickets for your birthday or for your best friend or how you’re flying in just to come see the shows… I’m really sorry to let you guys down.
As a little something for those with tickets, if you send a photo of you and your ticket (make sure the barcode is visible) and your home address to mailto:[email protected] by the end of December. I will send you a little something by mail. (Regardless of whether or not you are returning the ticket).
Good News
Cash is Fesch 2020
First Single in April

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