TonHalle München
Früher schoben hier die Pfanni Kartoffeln noch eine ruhige Kugel, bevor sie zu Kartoffelknödel oder -püree verarbeitet wurden. Heute zählt die TonHalle München nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hervorragenden Akustik zu einer der beliebtesten Konzert- und Eventhallen Münchens.
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Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Statement der Band:
„It is with great regret that we have been forced to cancel the forthcoming European tour. As the time has progressed it has been become abundantly clear that due to a mixture of Covid problems, venue capacity restrictions, curfews and travel implications, that the tour simply cannot go ahead as planned.
Rescheduling the dates under the current uncertain circumstances, not to mention lack of venue availability, is also proving virtually impossible, so we have taken the sad decision to cancel the dates outright. Refunds are now possible for all shows from point of purchase.
As a band and team we have never taken any cancellation lightly, so we are deeply disappointed not to be able to play these shows as planned, but we have no alternative on this occasion.
We are incredibly saddened not to be able to see you this time around in these venues, and thank you for both your understanding and your continued support. We will endeavour to return as soon as possible so please keep an eye on our site for news of shows. We will return …“
Quelle: PGM Promoters Group Munich Konzertagentur GmbH